DODO Price Comparison Event Completed & 200 DODO for 10 Lucky Winners

Hello CommanDODOs,

The price comparison event held on DODO Twitter account from March 24 to March 30 has now concluded. We want to express our thanks to every participant for retweeting and replying on the price comparison tweet. Congratulations to the 10 lucky winners! You will be rewarded with 20 DODO each.

Why DODO has a better price for trading?

Better Prices: DODO aggregates the prices of the same trading pair from multiple liquidity sources across different platforms to provide traders with the best price.

Lower Slippage: The Proactive Market Maker(PMM) algorithm minimizes slippage on trades of large scale and optimizes the platform trading experience. For the same trading pair, DODO traders will enjoy lower slippage and more advanced options.

In the future, we will work together with our partners to build innovative products, build better communities, and become the best on-chain decentralized liquidity provider with the most advanced algorithms, and the most user-friendly product experience.

