DODO team have to do the improvement for VDODO holder

1 ) Exit fee depends on DODO Loyalty Index (DLI)
DODO Loyalty Index (DLI) = (number of vDODO in circulation * 100) / DODO in circulation.

Exit fee rate formula is

If DLI > 0.5, exit fee rate = 0.05
If DLI < 0.1, exit fee rate = 0.15
If 0.1 < DLI < 0.5, exit fee rate = 0.175 - 0.25*x

  1. Now vDODO Benefits are available on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and there is a new Governance proposal.
    DIP-2 Buyback and burning and Trading Fee Reallocation
    vDODO Benefits Now Available on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)